Student Green Team and Sustainability » Student Green Team and Sustainability

Student Green Team and Sustainability


 BIS students are committed to working for a healthy environment for all generations. Typically, there are two green teams - the 6th Grade Green Team, and the 7th/8th Grade Green Team. However, during distance learning the two teams will work as one and be engaged virtually until students return to campus. To join the Green Team, or to find out more about the Team's projects, contact TBD.


BIS is in its third year as a recipient of a San Mateo County Office of Sustainability 4R grants. These grants are aimed at improving and implementing campus-wide waste reduction and promoting sustainability education programs.

2020/21 4Rs Grant Program

The Rot On! Keeping it Going grant program will continue the work from the past two 4R grant years to divert campus waste away from the landfill and into more sustainable recycling and composting programs. Specifically, the recycling and composting capacity will be expanded with the placement of additional collection bins and informative signage. Existing collection bins will be upgraded with waste sorting signs specific to BIS's waste stream. The garden's composting system will get a new three-bin composting unit, expanding the garden's capacity to process compost onsite. And finally, the CRV collection and fundraiser program that the 6th grade green team piloted last year, raising over $250 is just a few months of diverting cans and plastic bottles from the waste stream, will be expanded with ongoing collections and some new equipment upgrades. 

2019/20 4Rs Grant Program

The Youth Powered Waste Reduction grant program expanded on the successes of the 2018/19 grant by expanding sustainability coordination to all school sites in the District. This grant supported school site adult and student green teams, worked to align the waste collection bin system at all schools, provided worm composting opportunities, and offered logistical support for each school's waste reduction program. At BIS, this grant resulted in the formation of the two green teams, improvements to the waste collection bins and signage, the development of a successful CA Redemption Value (CRV) waste reduction fundraiser, and student body-wide engagement through and environment art contest and environmental KBIS segments (see video links below).

2018/19 4Rs Grant Program

The Doing the Rot Thing project worked to establish BIS's waste reduction program by aligning its existing recycling program with best practices and by creating a green waste (compost) diversion system. This program accomplished these goals through bolstering student green team participation, improving the BIS's waste management processes and collection system, supporting custodial staff, creating  a worm composting system, and improving the garden's composting system.



Both the student team and the PTA team  will work together to help to coordinate the school's recycling and composting programs. If you are a student, staff, or family member that has environmental tendencies, please help us with our waste reduction efforts by joining one of the green teams. You can contact TBD for more information.